Got Questions? We Have Answers.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our anti-hate forum


Q: What do you mean by “anti-hate forum?”

A: We have designed this platform (our anti-hate forum) to engage in discussions, debate issues of racism and discrimination, ask questions, and educate the misguided. This can’t happen until we have dialogue with those who wish us ill. Our anti-hate forum gives everyone an opportunity to explore and participate. Yes, we want to hear from both advocates of equality and hate group members in order to change hearts and minds. If anyone feels compelled to bash Jews and minorities (figuratively or literally), or identifies as a neo-Nazi, we invite them to weigh in and explain why. Our mission is to address hateful indoctrination, dispel toxic ideology, debunk racist lies, enlighten with the truth, and transform our fellow human beings.

Q: How do I register for your forum? What are the costs?

A: Sign up on our Forum Page at no charge whatsoever. You’ll be asked to acknowledge and agree to our terms of use, and you’ll get a confirmation email once you are registered. You must officially register with your full name, but if you wish to remain anonymous, you can opt for an online username pseudonym.

Q: How old must I be to participate?

A: Membership is open to people 18 years of age or older.

Q: What are your Terms of Use?

A: See our full Terms and Conditions of Use here. Sign up with the understanding that forum topics may be controversial. We advocate for lively discussions, hypotheticals, questions, and free speech. However, we do not and cannot tolerate threats of violence, harassment, or hateful rhetoric. Hateful rhetoric includes disparaging, belittling, or derogatory attacks. We do not condone obscene language. We do not tolerate doxing, retaliation, or cyberstalking. Our moderators will weigh in when necessary and ban members who ignore our terms of use.

Q: What is your Privacy Policy?

A: See our Privacy Policy here.

Q: Can my online behavior be reported?

A: Yes, under certain circumstances. We report death threats and other threats of violence, as well as harassing behavior to law enforcement. We are obliged to cooperate with law enforcement and respond to subpoenaing authorities in the event of an investigation or criminal matter.

Q: Will my data be sold?

A: No, we do not sell your data. Your registration information remains confidential.

Q: I have strong views. Will I be censored?

A: Online discussions will be robust and, at times, controversial. We expect our members to self-regulate their actions in accordance with our Terms and Conditions of Use. As long as members respect our anti-hate forum’s Terms and Conditions of Use, no censorship is needed. Within this context, your views and opinions are valued, even when we disagree.

Q: How can I lodge a complaint or flag a post as offensive?

A: Tag @moderator in a comment. Also, you can call the Hate Group Hotline to report instances of threats, harassment, or mentions of self-harm.

Q: What if I disagree with the author’s views in his books?

A: The author, Mike Gutter, has strong opinions but welcomes and respects your views, feedback, and questions. He believes that dialogue forges a way forward for people of good and noble intent. He is the founder of the anti-hate forum on this website.