Do hate crime statistics today have anything to do with Kristallnacht in Germany? In my opinion, there is a correlation. Unfortunately, the violence of Kristallnacht is not a thing of the past. Antisemitism still lingers, and according to FBI hate crime statistics of 2022, so does racism.


Hate Crimes Statistics

Kristallnacht. A Berlin-Tieregarten, le 10 novembre 1938, dans la Potsdamer Strasse, les commercants juifs enlèvent les traces du pogrom de la nuit (photographie exposée au centre d’information du mémorial aux juifs assassinés d’Europe (Berlin). Wikipedia.


According to the FBI

2020 Hate Crimes Statistics

“In August 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released Hate Crime Statistics 2020, an annual compilation of bias-motivated incidents in the United States. Though the number of reporting agencies decreased by 452 since 2019, the overall number of reported incidents increased by 949, contributing to a total of 8,263 hate crime incidents against 11,126 victims in 2020. While annual law enforcement agency participation may fluctuate, the statistics indicate that hate crimes remain a concern for communities across the country.

According to this year’s data, 62% of victims were targeted because of the offenders’ bias toward race/ethnicity/ancestry, which continues to be the largest bias motivation category. Participating agencies reported 5,227 race/ethnicity/ancestry-based incidents in 2020, a 32% increase from 2019. Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019. Additionally, there were 279 anti-Asian incidents reported in 2020, a 77% increase since 2019. The other largest categories of hate crimes include anti-Hispanic or Latino incidents, with 517, and anti-White incidents, with 869 in total.”

Lowering Hate Crime Statistics to Zero

There must be a fire in our bellies and a determination to stamp out antisemitism and racism once and for all. Can we lower the numbers to zero? Well, we have to start somewhere, and that place is HERE, on this website.

This cause is why I wrote my book Never Again MEANS Never Again and founded the forum, and blog. Please join me in pushing back